Pasta in Lemon Cream Sauce

I am back with a new pasta post..yes! I know ,its been too long since I did a pasta post..Its not coz suddenly my love affair with Italy ended or that my new year resolution is to diet. Heck no... Its simply coz ..well I have been caught up with a thousand and one things, and haven't really been getting too much time to post regularly..And how I have missed that!

Sitting at the laptop in the quiet of the night, speaking to you lovely lovely folks is something I look forward to soo much. Anyhow , I don't want to crib and whine too much..
What I do want to do, is share with you this completely new pasta sauce I tried out. 
In all honesty I had made this before. We loved it back then too. But this time, I got it perfectly right..and so I rushed to my laptop and we are.. with a brand new, lip-smackingly delicious post!

If you haven't  travelled to the land of lemon and pasta, it can seem a little foreign at first but let me assure you, once you try this, you will be hooked on... 

Its a very very simple recipe..One of those quick 15 min meals you can dish up for weekday dinners.. 
I typical serve with grilled chicken or toss in some prawns to make a whole meal out of this pasta...and of course, serve some greens!

Enjoy this! It’s a little outside of the norm…a refreshing (and ridiculously easy) 15 min dinner meal.
After all its a new year..and well its time to try something new ...
And do you know what would be perfect?? 
This new Lemon Cream Sauce!!

S :)


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